EntreLeadership Team
January 5, 2016 It’s the beginning of a new year, and you’re super fired up about it. This is THE YEAR you’re going to grow your business like never before. Nothing will stand in your way. But before you know it, you’re back to the same day-to-day routine, and the chance of doing anything new is about as likely as the Titans reaching the Super Bowl this year. If this sounds like you, take heart. You’re not alone. According to a study by the University of Scranton, 60% of New Year’s resolutions fail. Nearly one-third of them won’t make it to Valentine’s Day. So how do you keep the momentum going? Here are a few quick or easy-to-accomplish tasks that will build the foundation to help you keep that promise to yourself.
2. Set Your GoalsIf you haven’t yet set your goals, now is the time to do it. In fact, this is your first goal of the year. And no, being “too busy” is not an excuse. Get it done by the end of this week. For goals to work, they must be:
Remember, too, that goals are not all about business. You need them for every areas of your life. At Dave’s, we use what Zig Ziglar called the Wheel of Life. Each area of your life is represented by a spoke. You have to set goals in every area. The spokes include:
3. Create a CalendarWant to keep that Wheel of Life from having a flat tire? Then you have to put absolutely everything on a calendar, or you’ll never find enough time. Dave and his wife, Sharon, live and die by the calendar, he says. They are careful and intentional about rest, recreation, exercise, marriage time and kid time. 4. Get Out of the OfficeSchedule a full day on that calendar with key leaders or team members to come up with a game plan to achieve your new goals. And don’t do it at work. Getting away keeps distractions to a minimum and allows creativity to flow. What would be even better? No phones or email allowed. 5. Plan for New HiresNow that you have your goals in place and you’ve come up with a game plan, ask yourself if your staffing is adequate to turn them into a reality. If not, what strategic hires do you need to make and who should come on board first? The reason to start now, even though a project or goal may not begin for many, many months, is that hiring should never be a fast, take-anyone-who-walks-in-the-door process. At Dave’s company, it takes several months with multiple interviews before a candidate joins the team. The result? He employs a building full of thoroughbreds who are passionate, loyal and super talented. 6. Join All AccessAs a member of All Access, the online coaching program taught by our EntreLeadership team, you’ll have all the tools needed to keep your momentum and your success going throughout the year. All Access offers all 19 EntreLeadership Master Series lessons available 24/7, weekly eCoaching with on-demand playback, expert interviews, video coaching tips and mastermind groups as well as premium content and monthly expert interviews from some of the brightest minds in business. If you follow these quick tips, you’ll be munching on chocolate this February instead of eating your words. - See more at: https://www.entreleadership.com/articles/6-simple-hacks-to-start-the-new-year-rig?et_cid=4979413&et_rid=1eb705085d6359a0a2ef4e501907bdfc&linkid=6+Hacks-Btn-Link#sthash.lUqDnWcy.dpuf
Just a quick blog this time. Do you (or your children) need to file an income tax return this year? Here are six tips on whether to file a 2015 income tax return.
http://goo.gl/kAM6VY 10. Back your data up to the cloud.
QuickBooks contains a wizard to walk you through the process of backing up your data to a removable data storage device. If you'd rather Intuit handled your backups and kept them safe, QuickBooks' Online Backup Service is an option, though not a free one. Plans start at five bucks a month and let you retrieve your files from any computer with an Internet connection. 9. Use Intuit's free support options.
Intuit charges for phone support if you have an issue involving more than installation or certain bugs and errors. But the company offers plenty of free assistance online.
Just a heads up: Regardless of how early you file your SC Income Tax return this year, the Department of Revenue will be holding refunds until after March 1 in order to verify W2 information. This is a new effort by the SCDOR to combat income tax fraud.
click this link to learn more. http://www.live5news.com/story/31008873/south-carolina-to-delay-state-tax-refunds-to-fight-fraud 8. Export reports to Excel.
QuickBooks' reports are highly customizable, but they don't have Excel's power to manipulate and format data and to run what-if scenarios. You can easily export QuickBooks reports to Excel.
7. Use Classes so you can better track profit and loss.
When you're working with Preferences, make sure Classes is turned on (Edit |Preferences | Accounting | Company Preferences | Use class tracking). Classes are your own way of categorizing elements of a business. When you enter a transaction, a Class drop-down box will appear; you can create your own Class, such as Marketing, or Advertising, or Building One, or Region A. Then you'll be able to run a Profit & Loss by Class report. 6. Clean up your Chart of Accounts.
As you go through QuickBooks setup wizard, you'll indicate what kind of business you have. QuickBooks then assigns a Chart of Accounts (income, expense, and other accounts that serve as the backbone of your bookkeeping) that best matches your needs. This Chart of Accounts may be overkill for you, or it may not have enough entries for your specific business. Clean it up; it'll help neaten some reports and make life easier for you. Click Lists | Chart of Accounts to see what you've got, then right-click to customize. Be sure to assign the correct account type—this is critical to the accuracy of your books. 5. Use right-click menus.
QuickBooks makes extensive use of right-click menus everywhere in the program. Try them out anywhere you want to do something instead of heading right for the toolbar icons and menus. For example, highlight an entry in the Chart of Accounts, and you can perform myriad tasks, such as editing or deleting the account, customizing the columns, transferring funds, or getting a QuickReport. 4. Use program preferences.
QuickBooks has a setup wizard that helps you lay the groundwork for your company, but it's not comprehensive: There are many more decisions you need to make that aren't covered by the wizard. Click Edit | Preferences to open the Preferences window. Among the options you can set here are:
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